Find your (next) career that suits you best
There are so many choices, so many possibilities. Dreams and reality often don’t match. And even figuring out what your dreams are can be daunting.
There are tons of professions to choose from and having to do so can be a difficult process. And who can tell what tomorrow’s jobs will be; half of them don’t exist yet!
To make the right choice you need to know what kind of person you are.
We have designed a process suitable specifically to school leavers and young adults called “Career Navigator”, which will enable you to get a clear picture of who you are, as well as assist you to define what your future could look like.
You will find answers to questions such as:
- What are my talents & strengths?
- What would I like to do? (education/profession)
- How does what I want to do fit with who I am?
- Which goals are realistic?
- What are my next steps and who can help me?
We offer public 1-day seminars (as advertised or upon request) and individual coaching.
If you are interested in Coaching, you will go through the process with a coach tailored to your needs in online and 1:1 meetings (approx. 3 meetings taking up to 2 hours plus homework) spread out over several weeks.
What you will get:
- Workbook to guide you through our 4-step process
- xpand skills game to discover motivating abilities
- Introduction to the persolog(r) personality model to discover behavioural strengths
- RIASEC Interest profile